New Years, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, And Christmas, contingent upon what day of the week a holiday falls, the school may be closed for that holiday and the day following.
This institution and its admission, instruction, and graduation policies practice no discrimination based on race, creed, color, religion, sex, age, or ethnic origin.
If the school is closed for unexpected reasons, such as inclement weather, that information shall be announced on the student messenger that students have gained access to once enrolled.
Academic, career, and individual referral advising are provided to attending students. A student is referred to a local counseling center (Listening Ear Crisis Center @
989-772-2918). For a student who is referred, written documentation is kept in the student's file.
An eligible student or parent/guardian of a minor student has a right to inspect and review. The student's educational record requests an amendment to ensure the record is not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student's privacy or other rights.
Consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student's educational records: information will only be released to a third party upon the written permission of the eligible student or parent/guardian, except to the extent that FERP A and the regulations authorize disclosure without consent. The school provides access to student and other school records as required for any accreditation process initiated by the school or by NACCAS. File a complaint with the U.S. Dept of E.D. concerning the alleged failure of the school to comply with FERP A requirements.
A copy of the school FERPA policy is on file in each school manager's office, where it can be reviewed and inspected, or a copy can be obtained by writing a request to the school's administrative office (address listed in this catalog). * By appointment at a mutually agreed upon time.
Students are furnished a written progress report six times during the course from the staff member during the junior and senior levels of study in both the theory and practical work. Students must maintain an 85% average theory Grade. 95% - 100% = excellent, 85% - 94 % = passing, below 85 % = failure. Students are given their theory grades as they are tested on each unit. Students must complete minimum practical applications (MPA) according to the MPA schedule and will receive credit when 75% of the criteria have been met. S= satisfactory (all criteria met) needs improvement (75% of criteria met). Number of attempts is noted.
A full-time student can attend an average of 30 hours a week and still graduate by the ending date of the contract. Excused absences will be given for illness or pre-arranged vacations.
Students are required to call in if they are going to be absent. When the student's absence exceeds one week without notice, the manager will try to contact them by phone, messenger, or send a letter notifying the student that they will be dropped after two consecutive weeks without a written leave of absence. A verbal leave of absence will not be accepted. A student must fill out the written leave of absence and must be approved by the manager. Following ill absences, a physician's verification is required. When the student's absence exceeds that average for two successive two-week periods, the student will be warned in writing. If, within the next two-week period, the absences exceed the average, the student may be suspended for one week, subject to confirmation by the state board. Saturday attendance is required except for pre-arranged vacations or illnesses verified by a physician. Anytime the student does not meet their monthly requirements (3 Saturdays per month full time/ Part-time 10 1/2 hours per month), unexcused Saturday absences s/he will be suspended for one week. For every month after, the number of weeks off will increase. Suspensions will not extend the length of the contract. A student returning from a leave of absence must make up any work according to the MPA schedule. Management has the right to make exceptions to this policy.
Cosmetology is a clock-hour course, and each hour must be used for meaningful learning activities. Students must attend all scheduled theory and demonstration classes and bring a pencil, paper, and text to class. Students must sign and clock in each morning for lunch and breaks and when leaving for the day. Students are not allowed to leave the classroom without permission. Free time between patrons will be used to study only materials related to cosmetology or mannequin practice. Students not using optional time productively will be required to sign and wand out. The student lounge is to be used only by students signed out on break or lunch. Tardies are not allowed unless pre-arranged with the director/ instructor. Students will be able to clock in until 8:37 am; if it is after that time, the student will not be able to clock in for the day. The student and/or her (his) parent or guardian hereby give the school permission to call upon a physician or dentist and/or to refer the student to the same for medical/dental assistance in the event of sudden illness or accident. It is understood and agreed that any expense incurred will be the sole responsibility of the student.
The student agrees to abide by the school rules, regulations, and dress code provisions in the published catalog and regulations of the State Board of Cosmetology and to attend all classes regularly and promptly except for sufficient reasons. The student agrees to park in the designated parking area. The student shall not remove school property from the premises without written permission. A student shall not use profanity nor be insubordinate or disrespectful of staff members, other students, or clientele. The school reserves the right to terminate any student whose conduct reflects discredit on the professional and ethical standards of the school and/or the State Board.
The student and/or his/her parent or guardian hereby gives the school permission to call upon a physician or dentist and/or refer the student to the same for medical/dental assistance in the event of sudden illness or accident. It is understood and agreed that any expense incurred will be the sole responsibility of the student and/or his/her parent or guardian.
Have a question about our policies and procedures? Call
(989) 772-2339 today!
Contact Information
Phone: (989) 772-2339
201 W Broadway Mount Pleasant, Michigan 48858
Business Hours
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